Integrated Diagnostic ad Treatment Strategies
Opis książki
Emotional trauma comprises an unavoidable part of the human experience. An unprocessed traumatic event can remain in the tissue memory, which affects the body's physiology and ultimately weakens the organ/channel systems. CT Holman identifies and describes the various diagnostic signs that indicate stored trauma (using facial, channel palation, pulse, tongue, and intuitive diagnosis). This book specifically demonstrates successful Chinese medicine treatments (acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, qigong, nutritional therapy, lifestyle modifications, shamanic drumming, and meditations) to transform emotional trauma and reduce the impact from future traumatic experiences.
Accessible to both the student and seasoned practitioner alike, this is a journey of identifying, treating, and curtailing the effects of trauma to unlock the brilliant potential of the human spirit.
O autorze
CT Holman has over 15 years of experience of practicing Chinese medicine and runs a busy practice in Salem, Oregon. He trained in China and studied in-depth with several teachers in the field. CT teachers internationally.
Spis treści
Chapter 1: Introduction to Emotional Trauma
- Causes of Emotional Trauma
- The Physiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Trauma
- Triggering of the Trauma Memory
- Shamanism, Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
- Transforming Emotional Trauma and Fulfilling Destiny
Chapter 2: Diagnostic Methods
- Five Element Diagnosis
- Water Element
- Wood Element
- Fire Element
- Earth Element
- Metal Element
- Summary of Five Element Diagnosis
- Facial Diagnosis
- Jing Level
- Qi Level
- Shen Level
- Summary of Facial Diagnosis
- Channel Palpation
- Arm Tai Yin Channel - Lung
- Leg Tai Yin Channel - Spleen
- Arm Shao Yin Channel - Heart
- Leg Shao Yin Channel - Kidney
- Arm Jue Yin Channel - Pericardium
- Leg Jue Yin Channel - Liver
- Arm Tai Yang Channel - Small Intenstine
- Leg Tai Yang Channel - Urinary Bladder
- Arm Shao Yang Channel - Gallbladder
- Arm Yang Ming Channel - Large Intestine
- Leg Yang Ming Channel - Stomach
- Ren Channel - Conception Vessel
- Du Mai - Governing Vessel
- Summary of Channel Palpation
- Pulse Diagnosis
- General Pulse Diagnosis Information
- Specific Pulse Qualities and Presentations
- Summary of Pulse Diagnosis
- Tongue Diagnosis
- General Tongue Diagnosis Information
- Specific Tongue Signs Relating to Emotional Trauma
- Summary of Tongue Diagnosis
- Intuiuing the Five Spirits
- Zhi
- Hun
- Shen
- Yi
- Po
- Summary of Intuiting the Five Spirits
- Summary of Diagnostic Methods
Chapter 3: Treatment Methods (Primary and Secondary)
- Primary Treatment Methods
- Acupuncture
- Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
- Moxibustion
- Bloodletting
- Cupping Therapy
- Chinese Herbal Formulas
- Shamanic Qigong, Visualizations and Meditations
- Chinese Medicine Nutrition
- Sleep Hygiene
- Shamanic Drumming
- Secondary Treatment Methods
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Affirmations
- Flower Essences
- Essential Oils
- Summary of the Various Treatment Methods
Chapter 4: Differentiation of Symptoms
- Treatment Protocol
- Treatment Protocols One and Two: Treating the Shock of the Trauma and Its Memory
- Shock and Reliving the Trauma Memory
- Treatment Protocol Three: Differentiating the Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Symptoms of Trauma
- Emotional Symptoms
- Fear
- Anger
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Worry
- Grief
- Mood Swings
- Summary of the Emotional Symptoms
- Behavioral Symptoms
- Avoidance / Disassociation
- Negative Thinking
- Self-Destructive Actions
- Summary of the Behavioral Symptoms
- Physical Symptoms
- Insomnia
- Panic Attacks
- Emotional Reactivity
- Fatigue
- Poor Concentration
- Body Pains
- Senosry Organ Impairment
- Summary of Differentiating the Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Symptoms of Trauma
Chapter 5: Prevention of Emotional Trauma
- Trauma as a Vehicle for Transformation
- Determining the Trauma Cycle and Faulty Belief Systems
- Transforming the Perception of an Emotional Trauma
- Addictions to Trauma
- Opening the Third Eye
- Unresolved Emotional Trauma Affects Future Generations
- Zheng Qi and Four Corrects
- Lifestyle and Dietary Changes to Transcend Future Trauma
- Summary of Prevention of Emotional Trauma
Chapter 6: Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine Joining Hands
- The Trauma Brain Triad
- Conventional Western Medical Treatment Approaches
- Alternative Treatments Utilized in Western Medical Settings
- Parallels of Treatment Approaches
- Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Working in Harmony
- Summary of Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine Joining Hands
Chapter 7: Case Studies
- Case 1: 58-Year-Old Female Transcended Feeling Unsafe in the World
- Case 2: 57-Year-Old Female Released from the Trauma Memory of Late Husband's Suicide
- Case 3: 60-Year-Old Female Conquered Her Fear
- Case 4: 36-Year-Old Female Restored Her Motivation
- Case 5: 59-Year-Old Male Realized His Self-Assurance
- Case 6: 78-Year-Old Female Returned to the Source
- Summary of the Case Studies
- Appendix 1: Eight Limbs of Chinese Medicine
- Appendix 2: Clear Broth Soups
- Appendix 3: Suggested Resources